Travel Blog


Should I Get Rental Car Insurance?

Should I Get Rental Car Insurance?

Renting a car is expensive, so many people are tempted to skip the optional rental car insurance. That can be a risky decision, however. When you're wondering, "Should I get rental car insurance?" here are three questions to consider.

Should I buy rental car insurance if I already have a good car insurance policy?

Yes. If you get in a car accident - which may be more likely when you're driving unfamiliar roads in a rental car - your insurance company could slap a 20 percent (or more) surcharge on your policy premium for the next three years.1 Rental car insurance can protect you from this spike in your insurance premiums.

Rental car insurance may also protec...


Travel Insurance 101

Travel Insurance 101: How Travel Insurance Works

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Is travel insurance right for you?

Hundreds of millions of travelers ask themselves this question each year. And one in three jetsetters now opt in for travel insurance.1

But before you can answer this question for yourself, you need to equip yourself with some knowledge, including what exactly travel insurance actually is, what the benefits are, and under what circumstances it makes sense for you and your family to elect for insurance before your next trip.

What Is Travel Insurance?

Different travel insurance companies and other credible sources may range in the nuance they use to define travel insurance, but here is a great place to start: trav...


Guide to Applying for U.S. Passports

Guide to Applying for U.S. Passports

Not having a passport can be a roadblock to getaways ranging from the ideal family vacation to a critical business trips. But having a valid U.S. passport can open doors, expose you to new cultures, and perhaps most importantly, eliminate the stress of not having a valid passport.

Depending on a host of factors, applying for a passport can be a long, tedious process for reasons ranging from national security concerns to the sheer demand for these important travel documents. But once you have it in hand, passports are valid anywhere from five years for minors to 10 years for those 16 years and older.

As you’ll find out, the best time to get a passport ...


All You Need Is Your Passport - Part 1


We have been locked down a little over two years and the world is opening back up! If you are like us you are ready to travel and to see the world. BUT wait! You do not have a passport, you say? We here at JTravelUp recommend you start the process of getting your passport ASAP if you are planning International Travel any time soon. Passports can be a big hassle - the money needed, photo requirements, trying to find an appointment and let’s not forget about the application. But they are all necessary if you want to get up and go see the world.

  • DId You know: Only 38% of Americans have ever left the country!

The Department of State says, there are about 121,512,341 (and counting) pa...
